Chinese Zodiac predicts a stellar year of luck for Winston Peters

To welcome the Lunar New Year, the Asian Events Trust has released a ChatGPT-assisted forecast for the political year, based on the Chinese zodiac signs of Members of the New Zealand Parliament.

In 2025’s Chinese zodiac, the Wood Snake takes over from the Dragon. This brings a shift in energy—less bold risk-taking, more strategy, intelligence, and diplomacy. People born in Monkey, Rooster, Ox and Snake years are highly favoured, meaning they will have greater luck in the year ahead.

What does that mean for our political parties?

NZ First - Luck: 8/10

Winston Peters (born year of the Rooster) and New Zealand First (dominant signs are Ox, Rooster and Rat) are forecast to have the most luck. The party has the most MPs born in favourable zodiac years. This predicts more influence for the Party through alliances, party growth and wins through negotiation; in the year Peters ends his tenure as Deputy Prime Minister.

National - Luck: 6/10

A high number of National MPs who are Monkeys and Goats means the party may struggle this year. The party has the highest number of MPs with the lucky Monkey sign (7) but also tops the unfavoured signs Pig (7) and Rat (4). Prime Minister Chris Luxon was born in the Year of the Dog. While loyal, honest and dutiful, the sign is not harmonious with Snake years. Luxon will need to be cautious, adaptable and strategic.

ACT - Luck: 5/10

ACT leader David Seymour was born in the Year of the Pig, which need to very wary in the Snake year. His caucus will be balanced by Ox and Monkeys, but only if they are careful and calculated.  

Te Pāti Māori - Luck: 8/10

Along with New Zealand First, the Māori Party is set to experience the most luck.  Key signs among Māori Party MPs are Horse and Dragon, which together forecast better policy traction, influence, and stability through careful planning.   

Labour - Luck: 7/10

The opposition’s prospects are better than they were in 2024. Its predominance of MPs born in Snake and Goat years means intelligence, patience and cooperation are strong in 2025. ChatGPT suggested that the Zodiac spells a good year for rebranding, fresh leadership and policy shifts. Fortunately for leader Chris Hipkins, his sign is the Horse, which performs well in Snake years. 

Greens - Luck: 5/10

The Greens are predicted to continue their mixed fortunes, because their MPs have signs that are favoured and challenged in a Snake year. ChatGPT suggests this means instability, emotional struggles and conflicts, unless they are slow, strategic, and work hard.

Overall, the Year of the Wood Snake promises a more careful and wary Parliamentary environment. Dominant signs in the New Zealand Parliament are Goat (14), Horse (14), Dog (13) and Monkey (13). This year, the mix favours adaptability, innovation, and cunning leadership, and forecasts behind-the-scenes deals and challenges for impulsive leaders.


2025 Lunar New Year Festival, 29 January to 16 February.  For participating restaurants and bars see The full festival programme is available at

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Emily Mingins on 027 568 6685


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