UPDATED: Sunday 23 January
On 23 January 2022, the Prime Minster announced that New Zealand will move to RED Alert effective immediately. Asian Events Trust responded by implementing its COVID-19 back up plan as follows:
1. Saturday 5th February 2022
— Asian Market (Fire Tiger), Shed 6, Frank Kitts Park CANCELLED
— Cultural Entertainment (Water Tiger), Frank Kitts Park Online from 5 Feb. Catch the show here!
2. Tuesday 1st February 2022 , East Meets West Show (Wood Tiger) Online from 1 Feb. Catch the show here!
3. 2-12 February / Wellington Museum (Metal Tiger) PROCEEDING
12 February / National Library (Earth Tiger) CANCELLED
13 February / Lunar New Year at Wellington Zoo PROCEEDING
Whilst we are disappointed with the outcome, we acknowledge that the health and wellbeing of the community is paramount, and we must all do our part in the ongoing response to Covid-19.
Take care and stay safe.
Linda, Steph and Rita
Asian Events Trust will prepare for restrictions and protect our communities against COVID-19 using vaccinations.
The vaccine pass is an important way for us to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19 and to protect our community.
AET acknowledges the immense impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on the arts and events sector and our communities.
The Festival’s overall objectives remain unchanged, and AET will also focus on supporting initiatives of local and central Government towards the rebuild and recovery of our communities from the COVID-19 crisis.
The Festival will play an important role in the process of rebuild and recovery with a programme that will be safely delivered and adheres to the necessary protocols at all levels in the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
We have mandated vaccinations and will use this as our key tool to prevent transmission at our events and protect all participants. We will support this by asking our communities to follow public health advice to wear face coverings, hygiene protocols, staying home if unwell and using the COVID-19 Tracer App.
AET will work with the WCC, Wellington Venues staff, and COVID-19 All of Government Response Group with assets and advice to ensure delivery of a festival programme under the requirements of all levels, alongside the development of robust Health and Safety, and Risk Assessment plans for the 2022 event.
The COVID-19 Protection Framework
Asian Events Trust’s 2022 Lunar New Year Festival programme has been developed to reflect the three traffic light levels under the COVID-19 Protection Framework, with flexibility to be able to deliver an event under each level. Activities are categorised under each level so that at short notice an authentic festival can be safely delivered.
In order for the festival to go ahead at full capacity under the COVID-19 Protection Framework, attendees (participants and audience) will be required to present their vaccine passes at all festival events. This approach is in line with venue and vendor requirements. Attendees who do provide proof of vaccination will be denied entry to the festival.
With no restrictions under GREEN presentation of the full Lunar New Year Festival programme will proceed as per normal.
Face coverings are encouraged for indoor events.
Under ORANGE, the majority of the Lunar New Year Festival programme can proceed with no restrictions. Events can take place normally with no gathering limits, except for those in public facilities where capacity limits are based on 1m distancing. In these venues face coverings are also mandated, otherwise face coverings are recommended for all indoor events.
Under RED, a maximum of 100 people with 1m physical distancing, seated and separated is permitted. Face coverings will be mandatory for all events.
With strict management of performers (maximum of 100 in the venue), the Wood Tiger, East Meets West show can proceed without a live audience and streamed on the Lunar New Year facebook page.
The Fire and Water Tiger events will not be able to proceed under this level and AET will approach community groups to provide digital recordings of their performances which will be uploaded to the Lunar New Year Festival website for viewing.
The Metal and Earth Tiger events can proceed providing the venues can comply with management of the public to adhere to maximum numbers and any associated requirements under this level.
For audiences:
We are asking audiences to follow basic public health measures to keep themselves and our communities safe:
Get vaccinated
Stay home if unwell and get a test
Use the NZ COVID Tracer App to scan QR codes and turn on Bluetooth tracing
Follow hygiene protocols
Wear a face covering in indoor spaces
To attend a Lunar New Year event, you need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We will be asking you to scan the QR code of the venue/event and have your Bluetooth tracing turned on.
This will help safeguard our communities and allow us to welcome in the Year of the Tiger with a roar!
For participants:
We are asking all participants, whether they are stallholders, performers or volunteers to follow basic health measures above, that we are asking of our audiences.
All participants in a Lunar New Year event will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and we are asking community group leaders, business owners and suppliers to ensure the performers, stallholders, volunteers, workers and staff for which they are responsible for are fully vaccinated.
Performance groups should take special note of this requirement as if one performer is unable to provide a vaccine pass on the day, this could jeopardise participation of the whole group.